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Saturday, April 26, 2014

It’s not all wedded bliss: Marital stress linked to depression

Marital stress may make people more vulnerable to depression, according to a recent study. The long-term study shows that people who experience chronic marital stress are less able to savor positive experiences, a hallmark of depression. They are also more likely to report other depressive symptoms. Married people are, in general, happier and healthier than single people, according to numerous studies. But marriage can also be one of the most significant sources of long-lasting social stress.

What is especially interesting about this study is the method they used to measure emotion: using EMG to measure activity in the corrugator supercilli muscle, also known as the "frowning muscle." Could this be a novel use of the Spiker Box?

Read the complete article from the University of Wisconsin-Madison here: It’s not all wedded bliss: Marital stress linked to depression